sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015

What time is it?

Estás por una calle de Londres y te has olvidado el reloj o el móvil y tienes una cita a las 14:35 pero no sabes que hora es... Aquí podrás aprender como puedes preguntar a un extraño ¿Qué hora es?

                                    ¡¡Haz click en la foto y te llevará a un video interesantísimo!!

English language games. (2011). What Time Is It Teacher? ESL game - English Language Games    Recuperado de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knMZ-MXsI0U

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What time is it?

Find this game and many more in my book "ESL Games for Kids - Proven Ideas for Teaching English Through Listening Exercises, Fun Activities and Games" http://amzn.to/1b2HblS
DAY 11 - Same rules as "What time is it Mr.Wolf?" but with an ESL twist! Have the kids ask "What time is it teacher?" and practice all the different ways to tell the time. Just make sure you have enough room to run and "catch" them when you say "It's lunch time!"
Play the game in full for each way of telling time:
1) It's # o'clock
2) It's "hour-minute" 2:26am
3) It's quarter to/past 4:45pm or 7:15am
4) It's half past 6:30am
5) It's # to/past 5:10pm

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